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Traditional Meets Contemporary: Dining Rooms by Jacques Grange

Still About Maison et Objet 2020: The New Pieces maison et objet 2020 Still About Maison et Objet 2020: The New Pieces gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw peti lau Peti Lau: Old World Charm, Colorful Nuances and Romantic Moods gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw

With a career now spanning more than four decades, Jacques Grange’s exquisite signature style has truly stood the test of time. Known for his graceful style, characterized by a harmony between traditional and contemporary tastes, Grange is one of the very few interior designers who received a strict, classical education in the field. Jacques Grange is without a doubt one of the best interior designers in the world and now you’ll get to see why through these inspiring dining rooms!

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Traditional Meets Contemporary: Dining Rooms by Jacques Grange

© Architectural Digest


Traditional Meets Contemporary: Dining Rooms by Jacques Grange

This button-tufted back chair is upholstered in synthetic leather and constitutes a quintessential blend between classic and modern, making it the perfect dining room furniture addition. You can never go wrong when the design surpasses your expectations. Go beyond, go exclusive with the Kansas dining chair.

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Traditional Meets Contemporary: Dining Rooms by Jacques Grange

© Pinterest


Traditional Meets Contemporary: Dining Rooms by Jacques Grange

Designed from the soft blend of emotional yet beautiful lines, the Gala suspension lamp is the perfect outcome of brass and crystal glass. A superb piece for timeless creations and for magnificent ding rooms. This is one of those chandeliers that can completely change one’s perspective of space and atmosphere.


Traditional Meets Contemporary: Dining Rooms by Jacques Grange

© Architectural Digest


Traditional Meets Contemporary: Dining Rooms by Jacques Grange

With a structure made from cast brass with oxidized gold and a high gloss finish, the Enchanted dining table is here to impress. Craftsmanship, once again, proves how worthy it is nowadays by adding a layer of inventiveness to the final composition. Unique designs require a unique approach.


Traditional Meets Contemporary: Dining Rooms by Jacques Grange

© Mogul


Traditional Meets Contemporary: Dining Rooms by Jacques Grange

Often called the “Land of Castles”, Wales has some of the most impressive monuments of the Middle Ages. The Wales sofa pays tribute to the country’s history. Upholstered in cotton velvet and with a base in matte vintage brass, this curved sofa features a golden polished nailhead trim that makes it even more elegant.


Traditional Meets Contemporary: Dining Rooms by Jacques Grange

© Belle Vivir


Traditional Meets Contemporary: Dining Rooms by Jacques Grange

An image conceived through the combination of several graphic elements, the mixture of patterns makes this carpet an exclusive, different and irreverent piece. With a very uniform palette of colors, the Simba rug stands out for the harmony between different elements, a perfect match between the rigid shapes and the curves.

Featured Image: © Belle Vivir


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Traditional Meets Contemporary: Dining Rooms by Jacques Grange

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